Category: blog

What is the Difference Between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist

It’s a question we get asked a lot. What is the Difference Between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?

What is Psychology?

Psychology is a science which looks to investigate the mind and how the mind affects thoughts and behaviours. This can be investigated by looking at how an individual acts, interacts with others, and how they think and feel.

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Everything You Need To Know About Visiting a London Nutrition Clinic

Leading a healthy lifestyle is of paramount importance, however, there is an increasing number of people in the UK that are requiring the services offered by a London nutrition clinic. From obesity to eating disorders, the reasons vary dramatically and seeking professional assistance is the best way to ensure you make changes that can help you to lead a healthier and longer life. A lot of the time, people are overweight or underweight because of a lack of education. A nutritionist can supply you with the knowledge you need so you can make the right changes to your lifestyle.

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Our Nutritionist’s Top 10 Tips

The Blue Tree Clinic’s resident Super Nutritionist gives you her top ten tips if you are trying to lose weight.

Skipping Meals

By skipping meals you are wreaking havoc with your blood sugar levels, this can cause huge dips in energy, mood, poor skin and overall health. You are more likely to get cravings for foods high is sugar, salt and refined carbs if you miss a meal as your blood sugar (glucose) levels are low, so to avoid cravings eat regularly.

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