Author: Hiren S

Personality disorder

Written by Nicola Dalrymple Understanding personality disorders Personality disorders are clinically diagnosed mental health disorders yet they often hold a lot of stigma and even more confusion. It is evident that the disorder isn’t discussed enough and is unfortunately misunderstood by so many. It is a mental health disorder which imposes serious burden on those […]

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Ecotherapy, a natural calling

Trainee psychologist Nicola talks about Recently there has been a surge of scientific evidence that spending time in nature is beneficial for mental health. Yet what is it specifically about nature that seems so powerful? Let’s try and unravel this concept of ‘ecotherapy’. To begin, a humbling reminder; human beings are nature. In a world […]

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Impostor Syndrome

Maddy Lykourgos offers some information about Impostor Syndrome and how to spot it   What is Impostor Syndrome? Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in individuals who experience intense anxiety and self-doubt in their abilities, even when there is no evidence to support this. It often occurs after a high achievement, which the […]

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How psychiatrists and psychologists work together?

What is the difference between psychiatrists and psychologists? Psychiatrists: – Trained medical doctors who later specialise in the field – Can prescribe and review medication – Often consult and oversee a mental health team – Usually work with people with severe mental health disorders – Primarily use the biological/medical model of mental illness Psychologists: – […]

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Freshers and Mental Health

Blue Tree intern Maddy Lykourgos discusses the alarmingly high rate of mental health problems among first-year university students… Moving into university is an exciting time for many young people, the first chance for most to gain more independence and autonomy. However, recent figures show that across the world as many as 1 in 3 Freshers, […]

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