Posted on: 9th July 2018
What is Hypnotherapy and how does it work?
Hypnotherapy is a psychological technique that induces a sleep-like state and can be used in conjunction with other therapies such as psychotherapy to promote positive changes in the mind. The process often begins with the initiation of a relaxed state to sustain an inward focus in an effort to reduce external awareness and enhance one’s ability to respond to therapeutic suggestion. This is aided by a calm stream of instructions from a highly-specialised therapist, which aims to direct the session to best benefit the individual. When in this altered state of consciousness, hypnosis might intensify one’s concentration on a particular memory or experience, allowing other sources of distraction to be ignored.
What does Hypnotherapy involve?
Following an initial assessment, Hypnotherapy may be conducted weekly on an individualised or group basis, or may be taught to be self-administered (self-hypnosis). Clients are usually asked to visualise scenarios or imagine sensations that usually induce extreme reactions in them. While hypnotised, these experiences become aligned with the hypnotherapist’s suggestions, even if they may contradict personal and conscious responses to the same events.
What issues might hypnotherapy be used for?
Hypnotherapy aims to produce change to aid individuals trying to overcome a range of mental and physical difficulties, including the following:
- Chronic Pain
- Stress
- Eating Disorders
- Anxiety and Phobias
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Addictions
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Depression
- Sleep Disorders
What are the benefits of Hypnotherapy?
In simple terms, Hypnotherapy allows one to ‘override’ initial negative responses to stimuli or ideas, in order to ease symptoms for a range of issues. In this way, when faced with the stressful scenario in the future, the hypnotic response can be applied and the stress or pain-response is reduced. Here at Blue Tree, we have a highly-trained hypnotherapist that may be able to help.
If you believe that you may benefit from Hypnotherapy, or if you’re interested in finding out more, please contact us now for more information.