Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy

Posted on: 9th July 2018

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is gaining popularity very quickly in the UK and is highly recommended by the Department of Health to treat depression and anxiety. It typically lasts for sixteen sessions and is very structured.

What is Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy?


Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy is a form of psychotherapy designed to concentrate on mental health conditions that stem from relationship issues. First, your therapist will explore what types of interpersonal issues you are experiencing. Then, they will assist you in identifying how these issues cause psychological tension. Making changes in relationships can be daunting and difficult, but ultimately doing so will greatly improve your mental health.

What issues might Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy be used for?

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship issues

What are the benefits of Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy?


There are countless benefits of DIT, but a few of the most important are as follows: stronger relationships, accountability in behavioural choices, better moods, and self-
understanding. Due to the time-sensitive aspect of DIT, you will be able to track your progress weekly and see the improvement made.