If your child isn’t achieving their full potential.
If you are concerned about your child’s progress at school.
If your child is underachieving, losing motivation or becoming anxious about their learning.
If you want to find out if your child has a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia.
We will provide you with answers; an explanation of what is causing your child’s difficulties, together with a comprehensive plan of support based on our findings, to be put in place at school and at home to help your child achieve their full potential.
Educational psychologists (EPs) are skilled assessors with extensive training in all aspects of child development that affect learning. An EP assessment will identify the underlying factors that may be holding your child back at school.
EP assessments are broad based and cover all the different factors that may be affecting your child. Sometimes further assessments may be required which fall under the expertise of other professionals such as paediatricians, speech and language therapists or occupational therapists. The EP will advise you if this is necessary. Whatever concerns you may have about your child’s learning, an EP is the first port of call.
An educational psychology assessment involves:
Meeting you and your child either at our consulting rooms or, in some cases, at school.
Spending time talking with and observing your child.
Carrying out tests of intellectual development and academic achievement.
A parent consultation meeting to feedback the psychologist’s findings immediately after the assessment.
A full written report within two weeks.
What can you expect as an outcome of the assessment?
A thorough explanation of your child’s difficulties and the underlying issues which are holding him or her back. This may involve a diagnosis.
Personalised and specialist recommendations that can be incorporated into learning support plans at school.
Ideas and advice for working with your child at home.
Suggestions for reasonable adjustments and exam access arrangements, if appropriate.
Advice on a suitable school environment.
Signposting on to more specialised assessments, if appropriate.
An EP report which, depending on the findings, may be used to support an application for access arrangements in public examinations, such as GCSEs and A levels.
Literacy and dyslexia
Processing speed
Language disorder
Specific and global learning difficulties
Confidence and self-esteem
Early years school readiness