It can be difficult for parents with children suffering from behavioural disorders to foster a pleasant environment st home. Unfortunately, a vicious cycle typically occurs because children are so easily influenced by their parents: the children act out, the parents become overwhelmed, and the children act out even more. It is not expected that parents know the perfect way to manage their children, particularly those with behavioural issues. Parenting Training has been proven to help parents form a more positive relationship with their child, while teaching parents how to minimize their stress and create a calmer home environment.
What is Parenting Training?
Following extensive research on familial interactions, the aim of Parenting Training is to teach parents how to use positive reinforcement in order to improve the behaviour of their child and to strengthen relationships. Parenting Training can be conducted in a variety of ways, such as with one parent or a group of parents, but the overarching end goal is the same. Parenting Training is often used for children with behavioural disorders, eating disorders, or autism. The parents and therapist will first analyse the type of misbehaviour and determine when it occurs. Then, parents are taught skills to combat this behaviour. The important piece is that parents implement these techniques consistently so that the child takes them seriously.
Not only has Parenting Training been proven to be an effective way to strengthen parent-child relationships and reduce misbehaviour, but its results typically last for years.
What is Parenting Training typically used for?
Parent Training can be beneficial for any parent, not just those with children with mental illnesses. However, Parent Training is particularly useful for parents with children suffering from:
– Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
– Conduct Disorder (CD)
– Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
– Anxiety
– Eating Disorders
– Autism
How can therapy help?
Parenting Training looks different depending on what mental disorder a child has. For parents aiming to combat behavioural issues, the therapy sessions will consist of techniques such as reprimanding and giving timeouts. If a parent has a child with an eating disorder, Parenting Training sessions will be focused on encouraging the parent to model healthy eating habits and to give praise when the child is improving. If a child has autism, Parenting Training will teach the parent how to prepare their child to complete certain tasks and to integrate them into social settings. Although Parenting Training techniques vary depending on the child, the overall theme remains the same: positive reinforcement fosters a happier home atmosphere. Parenting Training is a tried and tested type of psychological intervention with long-lasting, positive results.
How can The Blue Tree Clinic help you?
Your child’s behaviour may need a bit more attention, but that is not a bad thing. You will find that working together on developing a more positive relationship will create a tighter bond between you and your child. Parenting Training yields successful outcomes and is highly recommended. In working with a professional, you will see improvements in many aspects of you and your child’s lives. At The Blue Tree Clinic, there are many staff members willing to work with you on parenting strategies. You are welcome to meet with one of our therapists specializing in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Parenting Training is centralized around you in that you get out of it what you put into it. We are dedicated to assisting you in cultivating a strong, healthy relationship with your child.
Contact our friendly team of experts for a safe, comfortable conversation.
Please call us on 0800 011 9883 or contact us online here